surely die

美 [ˈʃʊrli daɪ]英 [ˈʃʊəli daɪ]
  • 必死无疑
surely diesurely die
  1. He knew that if help did not arrive soon they would surely die .


  2. But I sat silent in my hill , the barbarians still came in their thousands , and there were few who dared to wield Excalibur , knowing that they would surely die .


  3. He knew that under the surgeon 's knife he would surely die


  4. But if our health was taken away , we would surely die .


  5. Please send them money or they will surely die .


  6. But if you leave me , I will surely die .


  7. The old tradition will surely die out , which is a natural rule .


  8. I 'm so depressed , without her I 'll surely die !


  9. And if you fail to come to me , I know some part of me will surely die .


  10. For the LORD had said of them , They shall surely die in the wilderness .


  11. God warned Adam that if he ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil , he would surely die .


  12. But you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil , for when you eat of it you will surely die .


  13. And again He has said , as He showed the way , as He fulfilled in giving His life ," In the day ye eat thereof ye shall surely die . "


  14. Howbeit , because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme , the child also that is born unto thee shall surely die .


  15. Satan gave a deceitful reply : " You will not surely die , for God knows that the day you eat of that tree , you shall be as gods , knowing good and evil . "


  16. After his checkup , the doctor called the wife into his office alone . He said , " Your husband is suffering from a very severe functional disorder . If you don 't follow my instructions carefully , your husband will surely die .


  17. For another , the starter motor is surely soon to die .


  18. To add one last word , those who like to play love life , and are surely afraid to die .


  19. And you can 't return to the river , then surely you will die anyway . "


  20. 33In any case , I must keep going today and tomorrow and the next day & for surely no prophet can die outside Jerusalem !
